Todos Juntos


They aim to reduce inequality of opportunities in Brazilian companies and promote a change in culture towards an inclusion paradigm, recognizing intersectionalities and celebrating diversity. Its purpose is to generate social transformation so that all people have their rights guaranteed, especially access to the market of work.

Grupo de participantes da Turma do jiló


Grupo de adultos e crianças com camisetas da Turma do jiló


Transform corporate environments in Brazil, applying neuroscience and universal design, to accelerate the productive inclusion of all diversity groups and generate social transformation.


We work to help solve some of the main problems in businesses today:

- Lack of racial equity, gender, sexual orientation and equality for people with disabilities,
- Low participation of diversity in the job market, especially when we talk about people with disabilities.
- Low representation of people from diversity groups in projects and actions.

Mesa corporativa retangular cercada de mulheres.
Mulher toda de preto ao lado de um cartaz da turma do jiló com os dizeres "Dia Internacional da Pessoa com Deficiência".


We consider universal learning design and neurosciences in our approaches.


We offer a variety of products for businesses that are adaptable to their needs. Our aim is to serve all levels of the company, including senior management and employees, as well as their families, the local community, suppliers and customers.

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